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Monday, March 3, 2008

Feds admit vaccine 'aggravated' autism

The link above will take you to an article about a recent court case in which the "U.S. Court of Federal Claims has ruled in favor of a child alleged to have regressed into autism as a result of vaccinations."

This case is significant because many parents of children who have succumbed to Autism have suspected that vaccinations may have contributed to their child's disability.

From the article, "This case echoes the stories of thousands of children across the country," said NAA President Wendy Fournier. "With almost 5,000 similar cases pending in vaccine court, we are confident that this is just the first of many that will confirm what we have believed for so long – vaccines can and do cause children to regress into autism."

I am not diametrically opposed to vaccinations. I do believe that vaccines can and do save lives, however uniformed choices of all kinds can and do kill people as well.

I urge concerned parents to read this article.

Talk with their children's health care provider.

Ask questions
, get informed on the issues, tell your child's provider that you want them to be informed on the issues.

Find out what risks each vaccine poses to YOUR CHILD.

NEVER blindly accept the doctor's recommendations of which vaccines to get at which visit.

Ask the doctor to preform a simple titer test to see if your child has a natural immunity to the disease the vaccine is designed to prevent, there is no reason to subject your child to unnecessary vaccinations. For example, even your child's healthcare provider will tell you that if your child has already contracted chicken pox, a normal and non-life threatening childhood disease, getting the Varicella vaccine is POINTLESS.

Find out if YOUR CHILD is at risk for contracting the disease, before allowing them to be vaccinated for it.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

oh my gosh. thanks for the link

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